Barely a few days into Sims 4 and I found myself unable to resist from starting a Legacy Challenge. I have a few other legacies for the Sims 2 and 3 floating about on Livejournal and other places. This is my first time playing an 'alien' founder~ Let's hop to it shall we?
(50 pictures of Founder cute under the cut)
Freshly transported to Earth with only the clothes on her back and her handy replicator our founder, Alkura Sheratan (links to the stars she's named after for those parties interested - just realized now that I forgot the 'h' in Alkura's name. Oh well!) wastes no time setting about to get her essential Earth survival basics in order. Her Ambitious trait is handy like that and should help her greatly in completing her mission on Earth. She was also selected for possessing a mind consider Genius among her people, and well, having a bit of a Nerd Brain and being a Fast Learner. Unfortunately she is a bit Clumsy, but that's to be expected -- a new atmosphere takes some getting used to.
Alkura: Now, just to give myself a human atmospheric shelter and I will be set... Actually, I better download the Simlish language module first...
Annnnnd with a zap, her replicator seems to implode on itself -- apparently the complexities of Sim !English were just full of too many contradictions. Good!News is that she'll be able to understand the Repo man when he comes to take her things. Bad!News is that she has no roof or walls and not a Simoleon to her name. Fantastic start to her mission!
What's a Legacy Challenge without a picture of Alkura's humble beginnings? Please note the complete and utter lack of any sort of funds once so ever (just click on the picture for that up close and personal view). Apparently Alkura uses green in ALL her decorating!
But there is no time to stand about moping about you luck! You're a Legacy Founder and there are people about and a mission to complete! Lets go talk to that redhead since we don't want to disturb someone's exercise routine!
Or we can run in a big circle before we introduce ourselves! That's fine too! Whatever floats your boat, Miss. Off-worlder.
Alkura: Greetings, Earth-Clan Female! Your genetics are most interesting! Such hair colour is rather fascinating!
And apparently that ... heartfelt... greeting fell somewhat flat. Can't imagine why.
Katrina Caliente: Oh, I see you've just moved in. I must say your take on open concept is rather admirable.
Uhhh, this conversation is going nowhere -- quick! Salvage it with science facts! Impress her!
Alkura: The sun in this solar system is --
Katrina: Are you aware your skin is green, dear?
... Might have to think of a way to cease hostilities before Alkura demonstrates her sense of alien superiority.
Holy hell. Well, there's always this creep to break the tension! Creepy chick out of nowhere!
She seriously must be stoned out of her mind.
Stoned!Chick: I see green people.
Gotta love the new multitasking system, Katrina is still chatting away while Alkura is finding a job.
Alkura: *ignoring you while I find a way to obtain human currency.*
While it's not a job in the science field, or a job infiltrating the military it will help sustain her while she completes her mission on Earth. Although the 'Pleasant Conversation' title amuses me greatly since the two of them keep giving each other these terrible glares and bored looks.
Alkura: I hope you are not considered a prime candidate for your species...
Mercifully - they two ladies are graced by the presence of another less creepy individual to cut the tension which Alkura goes about introducing herself the same way!
Alkura: Greetings, Earth-Clan Male!
Although he seems to be here to talk to a certain redhead than the 'out of towner'. A fact which Alkura doesn't really appreciate! Human-Alien relations are currently at an all-time low!
Major low.
Might have to drag that other male specimen coming their way into the conversation as well.
Time to try again!
Alkura: Greeting, Earth-Clan Male!
Layton Meyers: Greetings, Green-Female!
Alkura: *plus plus*
Finally! We have some progress on the mission social front!
Alkura is quick to test him by talking about her scientific discoveries, to which Layton was the only one to react positively! Things are looking good guys! Alkura will take that as a win!
Alkura: I am so glad that intelligent life exists among humans.
Layton: I don't know what you're on lady - but I like it. Speak science to me.
Alkura: *Charisma up!*
However the other members of the conversation were not as amused by the Science Duo's antics.
Although Layton seems to give no fucks what the other guy thinks and Alkura is definitely starting to dig him I think.
Alkura: *plus plus* Things are looking promising for Human-Alien relations.
They even have matching disdainful reactions to stupidity.
Alkura: I wonder if it is contagious?
The pair of them quickly decide to chat cut the other two out of their conversation.
Alkura: *snubs*
Alkura: *She Blinded Me With Science plays in the background.*
Layton: *Totally into this - ever Sci-fi fan's dream, amIright?*
Alkura: I have studied human social norms and I wish to inquire whether or not you have a mate or two?
Layton: ... I think you are talking about whether I'm single or not? If so the answer is yes...?
Look at this smooth guy!
Layton: Look it's a flying pig!
Alkura: A flying what?
Layton: Ooga Booga!
Alkura: There was no flying creature that way!
Layton: *thoroughly amused*
Alkura: *confused smile* Is this a human thing?
Layton & Alkura: *plus plus*
After that Layton walked off - hopefully not after the cute blonde in the pleated skirt and swaying hips! Either way - the smile on Alkura's face is undeniable! She digs him!
After that the silly tutorial kicked in and made Alkura take a bath before she did anything else. But what better way to impress your neighbors than a nice bubble bath on the front lawn.
And absolutely illegal amounts of fun were had in that bath as everyone in the neighborhood walked by. I swear at least 10 sims. At least.
Alkura: *and no fucks were given.*
After her bath our Founder decided to go check out a place to seek further mates - the place called a bar!
Bartender: So what'll it be?
Alkura: I have no human currency to spend.
Bartender: GTFO.
In the end Alkura got the company of an intriguing young woman and apparently what can only be assumed to be pity chips. Or humans experimenting on the alien. Either way Alkura appreciated the gesture.
Alkura: Let us see what kind of human cuisine this is...?
Random Chick: It's called chips, doll.
Apparently Alkura approves in the most adorable way ever!
Soon Alkura is up to her knee in Earth women, and dealt with one too many inquires about her green skin tone. So ultimately she left and decided to check out the park.
Alkura: What a primitive ship design...
Since there was no real interesting specimens to talk to Alkura tries her hand at being a hunter-gatherer for the rest of the evening. She ended up catching nothing. Ah, well - it's not her thing apparently.
A night out under the stars concludes our Founder's first day in Oasis Springs.
Absolutely Perfect, Cait! Alkura is adorable. <3